DRPI Algeria

Promoted by ISCSP-ULisboa, in partnership with the Algerian Federation of Persons with Disabilities, Handicap International and York University, this project aimed to sketch a portrait of the social inclusion of people with disabilities in the wilaya of Algiers, notably in comparison to the rights foreseen by the CRPD, through a combination of quantitative and qualitative data (i.e. questionnaire focusing on key indicators concerning socio-economic and socio-demographic status and access to services; interviews using the DRPI interview guide to develop an in-depth knowledge of the obstacles faced by persons with disabilities in Algiers in their everyday life).

Training participants sit at table with charts behind them.
Participants in the DRPI Algeria training learn about their rights.

In 2013, a meeting was held in Algiers with 20 representatives from disability organizations in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco to present the methodology for the project “the Social Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities in the Wilaya of Algiers”, which uses the DRPI interview guide and the disability rights training. As the project focuses specifically on social participation and CRPD Article 29: Participation in political and public life, the monitoring tools were tailored to focus on this particular right.

In January 2014 a DRPI training seminar was held in Algiers, Algeria. Ten people with disabilities attended the training. Participants were introduced to the DRPI approach to individual rights monitoring and practiced the conduction of individual interviews. Data collection and analysis was undertaken by the participants of the training.

The report was completed and launched in July, 2014. A representative of the Algerian Federation of Disabled People first presented at the international conference of ALTER – European Society for Disability Research, held in Lisbon 3-4 July 2014. It was then launched at a research seminar held in Algeria 13-15 December 2015.


Click here to access the report (currently only available in French).

Click here to access additional information about the launch of the report in Algeria.

Click here to access photos of the training seminar on our Facebook page.