DRPI holds European regional training on disability rights monitoring: 18 – 22 Nov 2015

DRPI is holding its European regional training for monitoring disability rights Two training participants help us to test the new DRPI online training platform.of persons with disabilities from 18 – 22 November 2015.  The training brings together 20 participants from 10 countries around the world.

DRPI has developed an accessible online platform for monitoring of disability rights with whole capacity building program for monitoring and monitoring tools available for those wishing to set up disability rights monitoring projects in their respective countries.

This is the first of 4 Regional Trainings DRPI will hold (in Europe, Latin America, Africa and Asia-Pacific) with the scope to equip national and regional disability networks, Disabled People’s Organizations (DPOs) and disability researchers with knowledge and skills to utilize the DPRI online platform in the process of data collection strengthening their capacities to constructively engage with national, regional and international human rights mechanisms.