This report was commissioned by Stars of Hope Society and sets out the findings and recommendations based on a study that examined the human rights situation of women and girls with disabilities in five jurisdictions of the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) – Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen.
Stars of Hope Society for the empowerment of women with disabilities was established in 2006, as a result of this discrimination against women with disabilities, and the lack of stakeholders addressing this issue at national and regional levels. Based in Ramallah,Stars of Hope (SHS) seeks to ensure the advancement of education in Palestinian society,concerning the status and
needs of women with disabilities, in order to promote equityand reduce the suffering, poverty, exploitation of, and discrimination against, Women with-Disabilities. SHS is an organization led by women with disabilities that works with, and for, women with disabilities. It has been increasing the awareness of women with disabilities of their rights, as well as building their capacities and developing their professional skills to improve their chances of reaching out for equal job opportunities.
As the only organization of rights of women with disabilities prevailing in the Middle East, and based on its experience in Palestine, SHS is keen to strengthen the movement of women with disabilities in the region. In order to achieve this, SHS has been implementing a project entitled “A step forward”, since 2009. This project aimed to empower women with disabilities to engage in local and national advocacy for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights ofPersons with Disabilities (CRPD); to enhance the collaboration between women with disabilities and national stakeholders involved in the field of disabilities;and to establish regional coordination among women with disabilities from the countries in this study.
Stars of Hope has extensive experience working throughout the MENA region with women with disabilities and their representative DPOs as well as working with International Organizations with the aim of strengthening the civil society networks which are crucial to raise awareness and lobby the rights of WWDs.