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Posts in the DRPI North America news category:
MRGD Workshop at the Coady International Institute
In November, 2015, Dr. Xuan Thuy Nguyen spent an afternoon at the Coady International Institute leading a workshop on the Monitoring Educational Rights for Girls with Disabilities project in Vietnam and its use of participatory visual methodologies. The day included a discussion of the politics of engagement fostered by the project and a presentation and […]
Treaty 3 Grand Council conducting survey of aboriginal people with disabilities
Preparations are underway for a survey to be conducted in the Treaty 3 area to see if the needs of aboriginal people living with disabilities are being met. This week, a group of representatives from communities across the region have been meeting at the Super 8 Minis Hall to learn interviewing techniques and refining the […]
Expanding the Circle in Kenora
Kenora Community: Expanding the Circle: Aboriginal People with Disabilities Focus on Rights Project promotes rights of First Nation and Aboriginal people with disabilities. This project aims to promote human rights among First Nations and Aboriginal people with disabilities, to share their stories so that the barriers being faced can be better understood and addressed. This […]
DRPI Yukon disability rights monitoring training held in Whitehorse
The DRPI Yukon training took place in the context of a week-long disability rights initiative in Whitehorse called Keeping Track of Our Rights – held from December 1st – 5th 2014. The historic one-week event was attended by participants from Yukon as well as over 10 other communities in the Yukon. It was co-sponsored by […]
Yukon: Justice Minister Responds to Call for Action
WHITEHORSE – Justice Minister Mike Nixon responded to the call from disability rights advocates today in Whitehorse by promising to meet with them to discuss the need for an independent monitoring mechanism so that persons with disabilities can monitor their own rights. His commitment came at the end of a week-long workshop training people with […]
Project seeks participation of First Nations/Aboriginal persons with a disability
Expanding the Circle: Aboriginal People with Disabilities Focus on Rights Toronto–Can you imagine a world where we are all equal? A world where you can actively participate in and give back to your community as a First Nations/Aboriginal person with a disability? A world free from discrimination and barriers? The Expanding the Circle Project would […]
December 12, 2012
Expanding the Circle: Aboriginal People with Disabilities Focus on Rights is a three-year research partnership, funded by SSHRC, which seeks to realize critical social improvements in the lives of Aboriginal people with disabilities by advancing responsive practices in disability rights monitoring directed by Aboriginal communities.
August 28, 2012
We are pleased to announce an article in the Journal of Human Development, Disability and Social Change entitled, ‘Droits humains et personnes ayant des incapacités: analyse comparative de l’utilisation des services de soutien en contexte ontarian et québécois‘ (2011), a collaborative article written by a number of DRPI people and others.
October 18, 2011
DRPI Canada and the BC Coalition of People with Disabilities co-facilitate a research launch for DRPI Canada’s Vancouver chapter. Forum participants were invited to discuss the DRPI-Canada (Vancouver) draft report and provide their recommendations as to how it can be used to positively influence and protect the human rights of people with disabilities in British Columbia […]