The DRPI Training Seminar in Hammamet, Tunisia is integrated in project DECIDE, promoted by Handicap International, the Collectif pour la Promotion des Droits des Personnes en Situation de Handicap au Maroc, the Organisation Tunisienne de Défense des Droits des Personnes Handicapées and members of several local disabled persons’ organizations in Bejaia, Algeria. This training seminar, […]
Posts in the DRPI MidEast & North Africa news category:
New study released on social participation in Algeria
A national disability strategy must be implemented in Algeria to facilitate the social inclusion of people with disabilities, recommends a recent report recently released in Algeria. The study was conducted by the Fédération Algérienne des Personnes Handicapées and Handicap International, in collaboration with DRPI and launched at a research seminar held 13-15 December. Click here […]
New Report: “Women in the Middle East: Are we moving forward?”
This report was commissioned by Stars of Hope Society and sets out the findings and recommendations based on a study that examined the human rights situation of women and girls with disabilities in five jurisdictions of the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA) – Egypt, Jordan, Palestine, Sudan and Yemen. Stars of Hope Society […]
New disability rights monitoring study to begin: Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco
DRPI will be collaborating with Handicap International and local partners to initiate a new disability rights monitoring study in Algeria, Tunisia and Morocco. The study was initiated in the new year – watch this space for more news about the upcoming training.