Equality for Persons with Disabilities in Political Elections

Jakarta, 2 February 2015 (Press release) – General Election Network for Disability Access (AGENDA) held its 3rd Regional Dialogue, “Upholding the Political Rights of Person with  Disabilities – Enabling Accessible Elections”, on January 28 -29, at JS Luwansa Hotel, in Jakarta. More than 180 participants from 27 countries attended the conference which addressed issues vital to the political […]

Call for submissions of right to education on people with disabilities

Call for submissions: Day of General Discussion (DGD) on the right to education for persons with disabilities, to be held on 15 April 2015, at Palais des Nations, Geneva The Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was established in 2009 to monitor the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with […]

Second Session of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities, 2013-2022

The Second Session of the Working Group on the Asian and Pacific Decade of Persons with Disabilities is being organized by ESCAP in cooperation with the Government of India through the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment from 2 to 3 March 2015 in New Delhi, India. The Session will be convened in pursuance of […]

India Work Placement Coordinator Position – Deadline 27 February

There is an immediate opening for the position of India Work Placement Coordinator for Disability Rights Promotion International’s Asian Workplace Approach that Respects Equality (AWARE) project. DRPI is a collaborative project working to establish a holistic and sustainable global system to monitor the human rights of people with disabilities. DRPI has begun a five-year employment […]

Nepal: DRPI-AWARE – Senior Managers Workshop on Hiring People with Disabilities

On Monday February 16 NFDN in collaboration with DRPI-AWARE facilitated a workshop called CREATING AN INCLUSIVE WORKPLACE: Putting Theory into Practice. Nine senior managers/CEOs participated in a lively discussion of the value, issues and concerns of employment of people with disabilities. Employers represented IT, tourism and hospitality sectors, entrepreneurship, manufacturing and financial industries. The workshop […]

Does a zero-deficit fiscal policy breed social equality?

(Montreal) February 5, 2015 The DisAbled Women’s Network / Le Réseau d’action des femmes handicapées (DAWN-RAFH) Canada, along with other disability rights groups are outraged to learn via “Le Devoir” that the Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) was floating the idea of using funds normally dedicated to providing services for disabled students to pay […]

DRPI Co-Director Marcia Rioux awarded OCUFA Status of Women Award of Distinction

On February 3, 2015 OCUFA announced the winners of the 2014 Status of Women Award of Distinction and the Lorimer Award. Among the five winners is DRPI Co-Director Marcia Rioux, Distinguished Research Professor, School of Health Policy and Management, York University, for her foundational and globally recognized work on advancing the rights of women in […]

Bengt Lindqvist speaks at DPI World Summit “Diversity Within”

The speech below was delivered by Bengt Lindqvist, Co-Director of D.R.P.I. and former U.N. Special Rapporteur on Disability, at the 2004 Disabled Peoples’ International World Summit: Diversity Within, held September 8 to 10 in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. The text of this speech follows: A new human rights paradigm has emerged in the disability field over […]

Kazakhstan ratifies CRPD

ASTANA: The Mazhilis (lower house of Parliament) ratified the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on Jan. 20 as part of the Kedergisiz Keleshek (Future without Barriers) program which is being spearheaded by the ruling Nur Otan party. President of the Kazakhstan Confederation of Disabled People Zhanat Omarbekova spoke about the […]

Treaty 3 Grand Council conducting survey of aboriginal people with disabilities

Preparations are underway for a survey to be conducted in the Treaty 3 area to see if the needs of aboriginal people living with disabilities are being met. This week, a group of representatives from communities across the region have been meeting at the Super 8 Minis Hall to learn interviewing techniques and refining the […]